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Yet To Be Revealed: Open Questions in Latter-day Saint Theology

Yet To Be Revealed: Open Questions in Latter-day Saint Theology

$19.95 tax incl.


An important part of discipleship is knowing what questions to ask-and which ones have not yet been adequately answered. From the beginning to recent times, prophets have reminded the Saints that the Restoration is ongoing, not an event. our purpose in assembling this collection of essays is simple: we wish to celebrate the miracle of continuing revelation, and the promise of more to come, that God will "yet reveal many great and important thing." This means that the essays selected for inclusion represent only a few of the hundreds of possible subjects.

Ours is an effort to clarify some of the hazy borders of orthodoxy and to honor the dynamism, the richness, and possibilities of the Restoration still very much in process of unfolding. Joseph Smith taught, "By proving contraries truth is manifest." A fuller understanding of truth can come by keeping multiple perspectives in mind and letting them work themselves out in patience and God's own time, like fruitful leaven.



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