Brigham Distributing

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That I May Behold

That I May Behold

$14.95 tax incl.


We all need the comfort and support of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sadly, some turn away from it. Often this rejection is the result of misunderstanding of that gospel. We indulge ourselves in what could be called a fantasy faith and false expectations. The consequence can be dashed hopes just when hope is most needed. In the absence of hope, faith is lost and the pure love of Christ is not felt. So we "see through a glass darkly," just like the ancient Israelites who saw God as a dark and threatening cloud.

The good news is that the reality of the gospel is beautiful light and not darkness. Understanding can be sought. And Achieved. It can bring not only vision, but that comfort and support we all need. The spirit will attend our repentance. We will see " face to face," and behold wondrous things.



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