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Taking A Stand: The Art, Science, & Practice of Resetting

Taking A Stand: The Art, Science, & Practice of Resetting

$24.95 tax incl.


- In working to fully implement the Nurtured Heart Approach, have you found it difficult to avoid being triggered into negative reactivity by your child's boundary-pushing behaviors?
- Do you struggle to manage your own emotions even as you work to support a child or children in managing theirs?
- Has your own intensity stood in the way of your being the parent you want to be?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, this book is for you.

Nurtured Heart is an approach for guiding and supporting all children-particularly, intense and challenging children-in living out their greatness.

One of the first steps toward implementing this approach is learning to train our attention on and connect with children around what we DO want rather than what we DON'T want.

As both positive and neutral behaviors are reflected to the child as illustrating their many great qualities, the child becomes convinced the the MORE they were searching for through negative behaviors is now easily obtainable through positive choices. The child begins to joyfully live out greatness.

Many adults struggle with the stand of NOT giving their relationship energy to negativity. The internal reset required to avoid getting hooked in by a child's poking, pushing, and testing can feel nearly impossible for adults who have stronger emotionality, or who have expereinced certain challenges with their own intensity.

This book adds to the Nurtured Heart Approach library of books a trauma-informed look at learning and practicing this Approach-an invitation to consider the impact of our own history of early attachment, adverse experiences, and trauma on our parenting, and to use the NHA to notch up the ability to manage our own emotions...while holding accountability in a way that leads to real change.

This book is a journey toward mastering our own intensity. Through the mastery , we are supported to channel the intensity of children in our care into fuel for greatness.



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