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In light of the prevalence of pornography addiction and the lack of timely information on the subject, SA Lifeline Foundation enlisted a group of professionals, therapists, and concerned individuals to create Understanding Pornography and Sexual Addiction a Resource for LDS Families and Leaders.
The manual contains reliable information about pornography and sexual addiction, including answers to frequently asked questions about what is necessary to support recovery for those addicted – and their afflicted loved ones. Its creation was in direct response to requests from parents, bishops and stake presidents who asked for a resource that could be used when teaching about prevention and addiction within the family-as well as counseling those in their stewardship.
SA Lifeline Foundation is pleased to make this important resource available via download at no charge in a PDF format. As you go through the process of requesting the free download we do invite you to make a contribution to SALifeline Foundation. However, the contribution is not required. After reviewing the free PDF download we encourage you to purchase the full color copy of the book via our website bookstore or from LDS book retailers. The printed version is spiral bound so as to be easily used as a reference manual and teaching tool.
Understanding Pornography and Sexual Addiction contains articles, lessons, answers to over 70 questions, seven personal stories of recovery, powerful articles, and much, much more.
This manual will dramatically improve your understanding of this most important topic.