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Bring-to-Life Book of Mormon Stories will help you learn, teach, and apply gospel principles:
* In talks
* In classes
* In your family
* In your personal study
Learn to tell stories effectively in your own words by applying Tips on Telling Stories from the Scriptures in the first chapter.
Bring the stories to life using the quick-reference Backgrounds and Story Outlines.
Fill in details by studying the related scripture References.
Make your point by emphasizing applicable Gospel Principles.
Start your preparation by choosing your story from:
* The Index of Gospel Principles, and/or
* The Index of People, Places, Things, and Events.
You will be guided to discover and draw out gospel principles that each story naturally demonstrates. With this Reference Guide for Speakers, Teachers, Students, and Parents, stories in The Book of Mormon will always be at your fingertips, and you can bring them to life!