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Christ as Bridegroom was written with the sole purpose of examining the Second Coming through types and shadows. These types and shadows, wich are often hidden throughout the scriptures, may not reference Christ's Second Coming directly; however, they nevertheless have much to say concerning this great future event if we are but able to read between the lines. Some of these Second Coming types include:
-The Parable of the Ten Virgins
-The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
-The Bride of Christ
-Ancient Israelite Wedding Ceremonies
-The Temple Endowment
-The Story of Abraham and Isaac
-The Marriage of Isaac to Rebekah
-Rebekah's Veiled Face
-The Marriage of Ruth and Boaz
-The Exodus Pattern
*The Plagues of the Exodus
*The Parting of the Red Sea
*The Events at Mount Sinai
*The 40-year Journey in the Wilderness
*The Entrance into the Promised Land
-Joseph's Reunion with his Brothers in Egypt
-The Seven Mosaic Feasts of Israel
*The Passover
*The Feast of Unleavened Bread
*The Feast of First Fruits
*The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost)
*The Feast of Trumpets
*The Day of Atonement
*The Feast of tabernacles
-Christ's Mortal Ministry
-Book of Mormon History
-The Coming Forth of the Gold Plates
-The Parable of the Wheat and Tares
-And More!